Minggu, 15 April 2012

Sejarah Gmail

Gmail adalah penyedia layanan surat elektronik (email) gratis milik Google yang diluncurkan pada tanggal 31 Maret 2004.Fitur
Gmail menyedikan kapasitas penyimpanan sebanyak lebih dari 7538 megabyte dan terus bertambah. Jumlah ini lebih dari jumlah yang disediakan situs lain. seperti Yahoo! dan Hotmail. Hal ini berarti para pengguna dapat menyimpan sampai ribuan surat elektronik. Sampai saat ini, gmail merupakan email dengan kapasitas terbanyak.
Tampilan inbox ("Surat Masuk") Gmail dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Gmail juga mengaplikasi teknologi pencarian Google yang memudahkan penggunanya mencari sesuatu dari email mereka. Gmail juga menampilkan iklan yang didasarkan dari email yang diterima pengguna. Iklan tersebut hanya diperlihatkan ke pengguna Gmail dan tidak dikirimkan ke alamat eksternal.
Gmail dapat mengirimkan attachment (lampiran) sampai 20 MB per email.
Salah satu dari hal baru yang ditawarkan Gmail adalah penyortiran email dalam bentuk "Conversation view". Dengan begini email yang diterima akan diurutkan dalam bentuk percakapan, sehingga semua balasan dan topik tidak terpisah-pisah. Hal ini bisa membuat pengguna mudah untuk melihat email yang mereka dapat. Gmail kadang salah mengira email mana yang harus dikelompokkan bersama-sama, namun hal ini sudah jarang terjadi.
Salah satu perubahan baru adalah kemampuan untuk melabeli email. Sebuah email dapat mempunyai lebih dari satu label. Fitur ini berguna untuk menyortir email sesuai dengan label yang diberikanya, Google juga dapat memberikan label secara otomatis dengan sebuah filter.
Teknologi Push e-mail juga diterapkam Gmail pada perangkat iPhone dan Windows Mobile, sedangkan pada perangkat Telepon pintar (smartphone) lainnya kemampuan teknologi Push e-mail dari Gmail ini bervariasi tergantung dari aplikasi yang bisa dipasang pada Telepon pintar dari berbagai merk dan jenis.

Sejarah Blog


Media blog pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Blogger.com, yang dimiliki oleh Pyra Labs sebelum akhirnya PyraLab diakuisi oleh Google.Com pada akhir tahun 2002 yang lalu. Semenjak itu, banyak terdapat aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat sumber terbuka yang diperuntukkan kepada perkembangan para penulis blog tersebut.
Blog mempunyai fungsi yang sangat beragam,dari sebuah catatan harian, media publikasi dalam sebuah kampanye politik, sampai dengan program-program media dan perusahaan-perusahaan. Sebagian blog dipelihara oleh seorang penulis tunggal, sementara sebagian lainnya oleh beberapa penulis, . Banyak juga weblog yang memiliki fasilitas interaksi dengan para pengunjungnya, seperti menggunakan buku tamu dan kolom komentar yang dapat memperkenankan para pengunjungnya untuk meninggalkan komentar atas isi dari tulisan yang dipublikasikan, namun demikian ada juga yang yang sebaliknya atau yang bersifat non-interaktif.
Situs-situs web yang saling berkaitan berkat weblog, atau secara total merupakan kumpulan weblog sering disebut sebagai blogosphere. Bilamana sebuah kumpulan gelombang aktivitas, informasi dan opini yang sangat besar berulang kali muncul untuk beberapa subyek atau sangat kontroversial terjadi dalam blogosphere, maka hal itu sering disebut sebagai blogstorm atau badai blog.

Komunitas Blogger

Komunitas blogger adalah sebuah ikatan yang terbentuk dari [para blogger] berdasarkan kesamaan-kesamaan tertentu, seperti kesamaan asal daerah, kesamaan kampus, kesamaan hobi, dan sebagainya. Para blogger yang tergabung dalam komunitas-komunitas blogger tersebut biasanya sering mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama-sama seperti kopi darat.
Untuk bisa bergabung di komunitas blogger, biasanya ada semacam syarat atau aturan yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa masuk di komunitas tersebut, misalkan berasal dari daerah tertentu.

Jenis-jenis blog

  • Blog politik: Tentang berita, politik, aktivis, dan semua persoalan berbasis blog (Seperti kampanye).
  • Blog pribadi: Disebut juga buku harian online yang berisikan tentang pengalaman keseharian seseorang, keluhan, puisi atau syair, gagasan jahat, dan perbincangan teman.
  • Blog bertopik: Blog yang membahas tentang sesuatu, dan fokus pada bahasan tertentu.
  • Blog kesehatan: Lebih spesifik tentang kesehatan. Blog kesehatan kebanyakan berisi tentang keluhan pasien, berita kesehatan terbaru, keterangan-ketarangan tentang kesehatan, dll.
  • Blog sastra: Lebih dikenal sebagai litblog (Literary blog).
  • Blog perjalanan: Fokus pada bahasan cerita perjalanan yang menceritakan keterangan-keterangan tentang perjalanan/traveling.
  • Blog riset: Persoalan tentang akademis seperti berita riset terbaru.
  • Blog hukum: Persoalan tentang hukum atau urusan hukum; disebut juga dengan blawgs (Blog Laws).
  • Blog media: Berfokus pada bahasan kebohongan atau ketidakkonsistensi media massa; biasanya hanya untuk koran atau jaringan televisi
  • Blog agama: Membahas tentang agama
  • Blog pendidikan: Biasanya ditulis oleh pelajar atau guru.
  • Blog kebersamaan: Topik lebih spesifik ditulis oleh kelompok tertentu.
  • Blog petunjuk (directory): Berisi ratusan link halaman website.
  • Blog bisnis: Digunakan oleh pegawai atau wirausahawan untuk kegiatan promosi bisnis mereka
  • Blog pengejawantahan: Fokus tentang objek diluar manusia; seperti anjing
  • Blog pengganggu (spam): Digunakan untuk promosi bisnis affiliate; juga dikenal sebagai splogs (Spam Blog)

Budaya populer

Ngeblog (istilah bahasa Indonesia untuk blogging) harus dilakukan hampir setiap waktu untuk mengetahui eksistensi dari pemilik blog. Juga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana blog dirawat (mengganti template) atau menambah artikel. Sekarang ada lebih 10 juta blog yang bisa ditemukan di internet[rujukan?], dan masih bisa berkembang lagi, karena saat ini ada banyak sekali perangkat lunak, peralatan, dan aplikasi internet lain yang mempermudah para blogger (sebutan pemilik blog) untuk merawat blognya. Selain merawat dan terus melakukan pembaharuan di blognya, para blogger yang tergolong baru pun masih sering melakukan blogwalking, yaitu aktivitas para blogger meninggalkan tautan di blog atau situs orang lain seraya memberikan komentar[rujukan?].
Beberapa blogger kini bahkan telah menjadikan blognya sebagai sumber pemasukan utama melalui program periklanan (misalnya AdSense, posting berbayar, penjualan tautan, atau afiliasi). Sehingga kemudian muncullah istilah blogger profesional, atau problogger, yaitu orang yang menggantungkan hidupnya hanya dari aktivitas ngeblog[rujukan?], karena banyak saluran pendapatan dana, baik berupa dolar maupun rupiah, dari aktivitas ngeblog ini[rujukan?].

Risiko kejahatan

Karena blog sering digunakan untuk menulis aktivitas sehari-hari yang terjadi pada penulisnya, ataupun merefleksikan pandangan-pandangan penulisnya tentang berbagai macam topik yang terjadi dan untuk berbagi informasi - blog menjadi sumber informasi bagi para hacker, pencuri identitas, mata-mata, dan lain sebagainya. Banyak berkas-berkas rahasia dan penulisan isu sensitif ditemukan dalam blog-blog. Hal ini berakibat dipecatnya seseorang dari pekerjaannya, diblokir aksesnya, didenda, dan bahkan ditangkap.




Twitter berawal dari sebuah diskusi yang diselenggarakan oleh anggota dewan dari Podcasting perusahaan Odeo. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Jack Dorsey memperkenalkan ide twitter dimana individu bisa menggunakan SMS layanan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sebuah kelompok kecil. Proyek ini dimulai pada tanggal 21 secara terbuka pada tanggal 15 Juli 2006. Twitter menjadi perusahaan sendiri pada bulan April 2007.
Popularitas Twitter mulai meningkat pada tahun 2007 ketika terdapat festival South by Southwest (SXSW). Selama acara tersebut berlangsung, penggunaan Twitter meningkat dari 20.000 kicauan per hari menjadi 60.000. Reaksi di festival itu sangat positif.
Pada tanggal 14 September 2010, Twitter mengganti logo dan meluncurkan desain baru.



Sudah lebih dari 400.000 kicauan dikirim-tampil (post) per kuartal pada tahun 2007. Kemudian berkembang menjad 100 juta kicauan dikirim-tampil per kuartal pada 2008. Pada akhir tahun 2009, 2 miliar per kuartal kicauan sudah dikirim-tampil. Pada kuartal pertama tahun 2010, 4 miliar kicauan yang dikirim-tampil. Pada bulan Februari 2010 pengguna Twitter mengirimkan 50 juta per hari. Pada Juni 2010, sekitar 65 juta kicauan yang dikirim-tampil setiap hari, setara dengan sekitar 750 kicauan dikirim setiap detik, menurut Twitter.
Pengguna Twitter akan menjadi lebih aktif ketika ada kejadian menonjol. Sebagai contoh, rekor diciptakan pada Piala Dunia 2010, ketika penggemar menulis 2940 kicauan per detik di kedua periode 30 setelah Jepang mencetak gol melawan Kamerun pada tanggal 14 Juni 2010. Rekor dipatahkan lagi ketika 3085 kicauan per detik yang dikirim-tampil setelah kemenangan Los Angeles Lakers di Final NBA 2010 pada tanggal 17 Juni 2010. Hal ini pun terjadi ketika penyanyi Michael Jackson meninggal dunia pada tanggal 25 Juni 2009, server Twitter turun karena pengguna memperbarui status mereka untuk memasukkan kata-kata "Michael Jackson" pada tingkat 100.000 kicauan per jam.

Secara Keseluruhan




Pengguna dapat menulis pesan berdasarkan topik dengan menggunakan pagar (#) (hashtag). Sedangkan untuk menyebutkan atau membalas pesan dari pengguna lain bisa menggunakan tanda @.
Pesan pada awalnya diatur hanya mempunyai batasan sampai 140 karakter disesuaikan dengan kompatibilitas dengan pesan SMS, memperkenalkan singkatan notasi dan slang yang biasa digunakan dalam pesan SMS. Batas karakter 140 juga meningkatkan penggunaan memperpendek layanan URL seperti bit.ly, goo.gl, dan tr.im, dan jasa hosting konten, seperti Twitpic, Tweephoto, memozu.com dan NotePub untuk mengakomodasi multimedia isi dan teks yang lebih panjang daripada 140 karakter. Twitter menggunakan bit.ly untuk memperpendek otomatis semua URL yang dikirim-tampil.

 Konten Dalam Twitter


Laman Utama (Home) 

Pada halaman utama kita bisa melihat kicauan yang dikirimkan oleh orang-orang yang menjadi teman kita.



 Pada halaman ini yang akan dilihat oleh seluruh orang mengenai profil atau data diri serta kicauan yang sudah pernah dikirim-tampil.


Pengikut (Follower)

Pengikut adalah pengguna lain yang ingin menjadikan kita sebagai teman. Bila pengguna lain menjadi pengikut akun seseorang, maka kicauan seseorang yang ia ikuti tersebut akan masuk ke dalam halaman utama.

Ikutan (Following)

 Kebalikan dari pengikut, ikutan adalah akun seseorang yang mengikuti akun pengguna lain agar kicauan yang dikirim oleh orang yang diikuti tersebut masuk ke dalam halaman utama.


Gamitan[4] (Mentions)

Biasanya konten ini merupakan balasan dari percakapan agar sesama pengguna bisa langsung menandai orang yang akan diajak bicara.


Kicauan ditandai sebagai favorit agar tidak hilang oleh halaman sebelumnya.

Pesan Langsung (Direct Message)

Fungsi pesan langsung lebih bisa disebut SMS karena pengiriman pesan langsung di antara pengguna tanpa ada pengguna lain yang bisa melihat pesan tersebut kecuali pengguna yang dikirimi pesan.

Tagar[5] (Hashtag)

Tagar yang ditulis di depan topik tertentu agar pengguna lain bisa mencari topik yang sejenis yang ditulis oleh orang lain juga

Senarai[6] (List)

Pengguna twitter dapat mengelompokkan ikutan mereka ke dalam satu grup atau senarai sehingga memudahkan untuk dapat melihat secara keseluruhan para nama pengguna (username) yang mereka ikuti (follow).

Topik Hangat (Trending Topic)

Topik yang sedang banyak dibicarakan banyak pengguna dalam suatu waktu yang bersamaan.

Isi Kicauan

Isi Kicauan menurut Pear Analytics.
  • Berita
  • Spam
  • Promosi diri
  • Celoteh tidak berarti
  • Percakapan
  • Nilai lewat-terus (pass-along)


Twitter adalah merupakan salah satu dari 10 situs web yang paling sering dikunjungi di seluruh dunia oleh Alexa trafik web analisis. Februari 2009 Compete.com blog entry mengatakan bahwa Twitter berada di tingkat ketiga sebagai situs yang digunakan jaringan sosial berdasarkan jumlah pengunjung bulanan sebanyak 6 juta pengunjung. Pada bulan Maret 2009, Nielsen.com blog menyatakan Twitter sebagai situs yang tumbuh tercepat--dalam kategori Komunitas Anggota. Twitter memiliki pertumbuhan bulanan sebesar 1.382%, meningkat dari 475.000 pengunjung pada Februari 2008 menjadi 7 juta pada Februari 2009.

Aplikasi pihak ketiga

Kurang dari setengah kicauan yang dikirim-tampil menggunakan web, sedangkan sebagian besar pengguna menggunakan aplikasi pihak ketiga (berdasarkan analisis 500 juta kicauan oleh Sysomos). Ada banyak alat atau aplikasi dari twitter. Beberapa di antarnya adalah aplikasi TweetDeck, Salesforce.com, HootSuite, Twitterfeed, UberSocial, Snaptu, TweetWawa, WriteLonger, SimpleTweet, Gravity


Menurut sebuah studi oleh Sysomos pada bulan Juni 2009, perempuan membentuk sebuah demografi Twitter lebih besar daripada laki-laki dimana persentasenya adalah 53% lebih dari 47%. Ia juga menyatakan bahwa 5% dari pengguna menyumbang 75% dari semua aktivitas, dan bahwa New York memiliki Twitter sebagian besar pengguna.
Pada perkembangannya, Twitter yang awalnya dirancang untuk digunakan oleh orang dewasa sebagai sarana pendukung dalam pekerjaan, sekarang ini justru didominasi oleh remaja. Hal ini dikarenakan fungsi Twitter yang sekarang sebagai wadah berkumpulnya para penggemar artis-artis. Bisa saja pengguna twitter tersebut adalah selebritis atau hanya sekedar basis fans. Dengan begitu para pengikut akun selebritis tersebut bisa memantau berita terbaru dari sang selebritis. Selebritis yang pertama kali menjaing satu juta pengikut dan juga sebagai pelopor akun selebritis adalah Ashton Kutcher. Kemudian diikuti oleh Oprah Winfrey, Britney Spears,Justin Bieber,Lady Gaga.

Kerahasiaan pribadi dan keamanan

Menanggapi pelanggaran keamanan Twitter, Federal Trade Commission membawa tuduhan terhadap layanan yang telah diselesaikan pada tanggal 24 Juni 2010. Ini adalah pertama kalinya FTC telah mengambil tindakan melawan jaringan sosial untuk penyimpangan keamanan. Penyelesaiannya Twitter memerlukan sejumlah langkah untuk mengamankan informasi pribadi sehingga "program keamanan informasi yang komprehensif" untuk secara independen diaudit dua kali setahun.
Pada tanggal 21 September 2010, Sebuah cacing komputer (worm) XSS aktif di Twitter. Ketika sebuah akun pengguna mengirim kicauan, cacing komputer dalam skrip secara otomatis akan membuka tautan dan mengirim-tampil dengan sendirinya. Yang lebih parah kemudian digunakan untuk mengirim sembulan iklan (pop-up ad) dan tautan ke situs porno.

Penggunaan Twitter di Indonesia

Di Indonesia, Twitter sangat populer. Terlebih lagi, kemudahan yang disediakan oleh telepon seluler yang ada serta aplikasi yang mendukung. hal ini membuat Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke enam sebagai negara dengan pengguna Twitter terbanyak, meski Amerika masih menjadi negara nomor satu untuk urusan Twitter.[7]

Riset dan Kritik

Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa twitter adalah cara yang baik untuk tetap berhubungan dengan teman-teman. Namun, beberapa pengguna merasa 'terlalu' terhubung, karena mereka selalu menerima pesan yang tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan mereka.
Berbagai penelitian di sekitar Twitter telah dilakukan seperti bidang sosiologi dan perilaku. Sebuah penelitian dilakukan Bruno Goncalves menyatakan bahwa jaringan sosial modern membantu seseorang berinteraksi namun kendala biologis dan fisik membatasi hubungan sosial secara stabil.[8]
Nielsen Online melaporkan bahwa Twitter memiliki tingkat pemeliharaan pengguna sebesar 40%. Banyak orang berhenti menggunakan layanan ini setelah satu bulan karena situs ini berpotensi mencapai hanya sekitar 10% dari semua pengguna internet.
Pada bulan Maret 2009, komik strip Doonesbury mulai menyindir Twitter. Banyak karakter menyoroti kicauan yang mengikuti pemutakhiran topik hangat (trend updates) terus-menerus. SuperNews! juga mengatakan bahwa Twitter sebagai kecanduan dan mengatakan kicauan tidak lebih dari “teriakan ke kegelapan berharap seseorang mendengarkan”.
Scott A. Golder dan Michael W. Macy menganalisis lebih dari 500.000 update oleh 2,4 juta pengguna Twitter di 84 negara selama 2 tahun. Data dibagi menjadi kelompok-kelompok update berdasarkan jam. Temuan menunjukkan Twitter menegaskan pola seharian.[9]
Alessio Signorini menggunakan data menciak pengguna Twitter untuk mengganalisis tingkat penyebaran flu H1N1 di Amerika Serikat.[10] Marcel Salathé dan Shashank Khandelwal melacak bagaimana pola pikir pengguna Twitter berkorelasi dengan tingkat partisipasi vaksinasi H1N1 dan bagaimana perasaan negatif atau positif mempengaruhi pengguna lain.[11]


  • Aulia, Muhammad. 2010. Belajar Teknologi dengan Mudah. Depok: Gramedia Pustaka
  • Elcom. 2009. Twitter: Best Social Networking. Jakarta: Penerbit Andi Jogjakarta
  • Milstei, Sarah and Tim O’Reilly. 2009. The Twitter Book. USA: O’Reilly Media Inc.

History facebook


Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in his Harvard dorm room.
Facemash is the Facebook’s predecessor opened on October 28, 2003. [1] Initially, the website was invented by a Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, and three of his classmates Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. The website was originally called 'Facemash'. Mark Zuckerberg wrote the software for the Facemash website when he was in his second year of university. The website, was inspired by Zuckerberg’s sense of humor and was set as a type of “hot or not” game for Harvard students. The website allowed visitors to compare two student pictures side-by-side and let them choose who was “hot” and who was “not”.
That night, Zuckerberg wrote the following blog entries:[2][3][4]
I'm a little intoxicated, not gonna lie. So what if it's not even 10 pm and it's a Tuesday night? What? The Kirkland [dorm] facebook is open on my desktop and some of these people have pretty horrendous facebook pics. I almost want to put some of these faces next to pictures of farm animals and have people vote on which is more attractive.
—9:48 pm
Yea, it's on. I'm not exactly sure how the farm animals are going to fit into this whole thing (you can't really ever be sure with farm animals...), but I like the idea of comparing two people together.
—11:09 pm
Let the hacking begin.
—12:58 am
According to The Harvard Crimson, Facemash "used photos compiled from the online facebooks of nine Houses, placing two next to each other at a time and asking users to choose the 'hotter' person". To accomplish this, Mark Zuckerberg hacked into Harvard’s security network and copied the student ID images used by dormitories and used them to populate his Facemash website.
Harvard at that time did not have a student directory with photos and basic information, and with the initial site generated 450 visitors and 22,000 photo-views in its first four hours online.[5] That the initial site mirrored people’s physical community—with their real identities—represented the key aspects of what later became Facebook.[6]
"Perhaps Harvard will squelch it for legal reasons without realizing its value as a venture that could possibly be expanded to other schools (maybe even ones with good-looking people...)," Zuckerberg wrote in his personal blog. "But one thing is certain, and it’s that I’m a jerk for making this site. Oh well. Someone had to do it eventually..."[7] The site was quickly forwarded to several campus group list-servers. However, the website was shut down by Harvard executives a few days after it opened. Mark Zuckerberg faced charges of violating copyrights, breach of security, and violating individual privacy for stealing the student pictures that he used to populate the website. He later faced expulsion from Harvard University for his wrong actions. However, at the end, all the charges were dropped. [8]
Zuckerberg expanded on this initial project that semester by creating a social study tool ahead of an art history final. He uploaded 500 Augustan images to a website, with one image per page along with a comment section.[6] He opened the site up to his classmates and people started sharing their notes. "The professor said it had the best grades of any final he’d ever given. This was my first social hack. With Facebook, I wanted to make something that would make Harvard more open," Zuckerberg said in a TechCrunch interview.
On Oct 25, 2010, entrepreneur and banker Rahul Jain auctioned off FaceMash.com to an unknown buyer for $30,201.[9][10]


The homepage of Thefacebook on February 12, 2004
In January 2004, in the following semester at Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg began writing computer codes for a new website, known as 'thefacebook'. He said in an editorial, The Harvard Crimson, that he was inspired to make Facebook from the incident of Facemash. He said to the editorial, "It is clear that the technology needed to create a centralized Website is readily available...the benefits are many."[2] On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "Thefacebook", originally located at thefacebook.com.[11] He told The Harvard Crimson editorial, "Everyone’s been talking a lot about a universal face book within Harvard. I think it’s kind of silly that it would take the University a couple of years to get around to it as I can do it better than they can, and I can do it in a week."[12] Zuckerberg gave his opinion to the editorial about his plan to create a universal website that can contact people around the university. According to his roommate, Dustin Moskovitz,"When Mark finished the site, he told a couple of friends... then one of them suggested putting it on the Kirkland House online mailing list, which was...three hundred people." Dustin Moskovitz continued to explain the process of how Facebook was a success and that, “By the end of the night, we were...actively watching the registration process. Within twenty-four hours, we had somewhere between twelve hundred and fifteen hundred registrants."[13]
Just six days after the launch of the site, three Harvard University seniors, Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra, accused Zuckerberg of intentionally misleading them into believing that he would help them build a social network called HarvardConnection.com, but he used their idea instead to build a competing product.[14]
The three complained to the Harvard Crimson and the newspaper began an investigation. Zuckerberg knew about the investigation so he used TheFacebook.com, to find members in the site who identified themselves as members of the Crimson. He examined a history of failed logins to see if any of the Crimson members have ever entered an incorrect password into TheFacebook.com. In the cases in which they had failed to login, Mark tried to use them to access the Crimson members' Harvard email accounts and he was successful in accessing two of them. In the end, three of Crimson members’ filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg and was settled after.[14] The three later filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, later settling.[15]
Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard University. Within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service.[16] Eduardo Saverin (business aspects), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum (graphic artist), and Chris Hughes soon joined Zuckerberg to help promote the website. In March 2004, Facebook expanded to Stanford, Columbia, and Yale.[17] This expansion continued when it opened to all Ivy League and Boston area schools. It gradually reached most universities in Canada and the United States. [18][19][20] Facebook was incorporated in the summer of 2004 and the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who had been informally advising Zuckerberg, became the company's president. [21] In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations to Palo Alto, California.[17] The company dropped ‘The’ from its name after purchasing the domain name facebook.com in 2005 for $200,000.[23][22]


Total active users[N 1]
Date Users
(in millions)
Days later Monthly growth[N 2]
02008-08-26 August 26, 2008 &10000000000000100000000100[23] &100000000000016650000001,665 178.38%
02009-04-08 April 8, 2009 &10000000000000200000000200[24] &10000000000000225000000225 13.33%
02009-09-15 September 15, 2009 &10000000000000300000000300[25] &10000000000000160000000160 9.38%
02010-02-05 February 5, 2010 &10000000000000400000000400[26] &10000000000000143000000143 6.99%
02010-07-21 July 21, 2010 &10000000000000500000000500[27] &10000000000000166000000166 4.52%
02011-01-05 January 5, 2011 &10000000000000600000000600[28][N 3] &10000000000000168000000168 3.57%
02011-05-30 May 30, 2011 &10000000000000700000000700[29] &10000000000000145000000145 3.45%
02011-09-22 September 22, 2011 &10000000000000800000000800[30] &10000000000000115000000115 3.73%
On October 1, 2005, Facebook expanded to twenty-one universities in the United Kingdom, the entire Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) system in Mexico (around thirty campuses throughout the country at the time), the entire University of Puerto Rico and Interamerican University of Puerto Rico network in Puerto Rico, and the whole University of the Virgin Islands network in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Facebook launched a high school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg called the next logical step.[31] At that time, high school networks required an invitation to join.[32] Facebook later expanded membership eligibility to employees of several companies, including Apple Inc. and Microsoft.[33] On December 11, 2005, universities in Australia and New Zealand were added to the Facebook network, bringing its size to 2,000+ colleges and 25,000 + high schools throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of ages 13 and older with a valid e-mail address.[34][35] In October 2008, Facebook announced that it was to set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.[36]
In 2010 Facebook began to pro-actively involve its users in running the website by inviting them to become beta testers after passing a question-and-answer-based selection process,[37] and a set of Facebook Engineering Puzzles where users would solve computational problems which gave them an opportunity to be hired by facebook.[38]
As of July 2010, Facebook.com was the top social network across eight individual markets in the Southeast Asia/Oceania region (Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Vietnam), while other brands commanded the top positions in certain markets, including Google-owned Orkut in India and Brazil, Mixi in Japan, Renren in China (where Facebook is currently inaccessible), CyWorld in South Korea and Yahoo!’s Wretch.cc in Taiwan.[citation needed] Additionally, Facebook has become the largest online photo host, being cited by Facebook application and online photo aggregator Pixable as expecting to have 100 billion photos by summer 2011 [39]
Facebook continues to adhere to the technology that seamlessly embeds itself into the daily lives of users. Today, Facebook has over 800 million monthly active users according to their own statistics. Over 350 million of these participants are accessing Facebook through their mobile phones. Facebook has successfully integrated various mobile platforms that are modelled for iPhones, iPads, androids, blackberries and other forums to provide access to the site at all times. In total, 33% of Facebook traffic comes from mobile phone accessibility. These totals are expected to increase with the newly released versions of the mobile site and the introduction of iOS apps. Over 90% of iPhone owner use Facebook over mobile networks.[40]
Since the initial website was created, Facebook has changed its formatting many times and revamped the overall appearance of people's individual profiles. Most recently it has introduced a completely new type of profile called Facebook Timeline. This essentially turns user profiles into a visual timeline of your life complete with all photos, events birthdays and friendships. Facebook continuously changes its formatting to suit it's users and will continue to do so.


Facebook's former headquarters in downtown Palo Alto, California.
Facebook received its first investment of US$500,000 in June 2004 from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, in exchange for 7% of the company.[41] This was followed a year later by $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel Partners, and then $27.5 million more from Greylock Partners.[41][42] A leaked cash flow statement showed that during the 2005 fiscal year, Facebook had a net loss of $3.63 million.[43]
With the sale of social networking website, MySpace, to News Corp on July 19, 2005, rumors surfaced about the possible sale of Facebook to a larger media company.[44] Zuckerberg had already stated that he did not want to sell the company, and denied rumors to the contrary.[45] On March 28, 2006, BusinessWeek reported that a potential acquisition of Facebook was under negotiation. Facebook reportedly declined an offer of $750 million from an unknown bidder, and it was rumored the asking price rose as high as $2 billion.[46]
In September 2006, serious talks between Facebook and Yahoo! took place concerning acquisition of Facebook, with prices reaching as high as $1 billion.[47][48] Thiel, by then a board member of Facebook, indicated that Facebook's internal valuation was around $8 billion based on their projected revenues of $1 billion by 2015, comparable to Viacom's MTV brand, a company with a shared target demographic audience.[49]
On July 17, 2007, Zuckerberg said that selling Facebook was unlikely because he wanted to keep it independent, saying "We're not really looking to sell the company... We're not looking to IPO anytime soon. It's just not the core focus of the company."[50] In September 2007, Microsoft approached Facebook, proposing an investment in return for a 5% stake in the company, offering an estimated $300–500 million.[51] That month, other companies, including Google, expressed interest in buying a portion of Facebook.[52]
On October 24, 2007, Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million, giving Facebook a total implied value of around $15 billion.[53] However, Microsoft bought preferred stock that carried special rights, such as "liquidation preferences" that meant Microsoft would get paid before common stockholders if the company is sold. Microsoft's purchase also included rights to place international ads on Facebook.[54] In November 2007, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing invested $60 million in Facebook.[55]
Entrance to Facebook's current headquarters in the Stanford Research Park, Palo Alto, California.
In August 2008, BusinessWeek reported that private sales by employees, as well as purchases by venture capital firms, had and were being done at share prices that put the company's total valuation at between $3.75 billion and $5 billion.[54] In October 2008, Zuckerberg said "I don't think social networks can be monetized in the same way that search did... In three years from now we have to figure out what the optimum model is. But that is not our primary focus today."[56]
In August 2009, Facebook acquired social media real-time news aggregator FriendFeed,[57] a startup created by the former Google employee and Gmail's first engineer Paul Buchheit who, while at Google, coined the phrase "Don't be evil".[58][59][60] In September 2009, Facebook claimed that it had turned cash flow positive for the first time.[61] In February 2010, Facebook acquired Malaysian contact-importing startup Octazen Solutions.[62] On April 2, 2010, Facebook announced acquisition of photo-sharing service called Divvyshot for an undisclosed amount.[63] In June 2010, an online marketplace for trading private company stock reflected a valuation of $11.5 billion.[64]
At the All Things Digital conference in June 2010, Zuckerberg was asked if he expected to remain CEO if the company went public. Zuckerberg said he did, adding that he doesn't "think about going public ... much." He said he did not have a date in mind for a potential IPO.[65][66] In early 2012, Facebook disclosed that its profits had jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous year as its revenue which is mainly from advertising had jumped almost 90% to $3.71 billion.[67] Facebook also reported that 56% of its advertising revenue comes from the U.S alone, it also reported that 12% of its revenue comes from zynga the popular social network game development company. Payments and other fees were $557 million up from $106 million the previous year.[68]

[edit] Yahoo sues Facebook

Monday, March 12, 2012, Yahoo! filed a suit against Facebook weeks before the scheduled Facebook initial public offering. Yahoo in its court filing said that Facebook had infringed on ten of its patents covering advertising, privacy controls and social networking. Yahoo had threatened to sue Facebook a month before the filing insisting that the social network license its patents. But Facebook had previously vowed to defend itself against what it called “puzzling actions” by Yahoo. A spokesperson for Facebook issued a statement saying "We're disappointed that Yahoo, a longtime business partner of Facebook and a company that has substantially benefited from its association with Facebook, has decided to resort to litigation".[69] Yahoo has been said to tie many of its online services to Facebook which has further helped them to attract more customers. Many analysts have said that the patent suit may end in a settlement or in a licensing deal. They also add that the patent lawsuit will really cast a spotlight on Facebook’s weaknesses as the company is in its process of completing an IPO in the spring of 2012. In 2011, Facebook had owned 56 US patents which seems to be relatively small compared to Yahoo which has more than a thousand patents. Yahoo had defended the lawsuit saying that it had invested “substantial resources in research and development” over the years leading its technology patents that many other businesses have licensed. Yahoo also adds in the filing that without their innovations, Facebook and other websites would not enjoy the repeat visitors or the large advertising revenue they receive.[70] The lawsuit also claims that Yahoo’s patents cover basic social networking ideas such as customizing website users’ experiences to their needs, it also adds that the patents cover ways of generating ads that appeal to individual users which in turn increases advertising revenues for the companies. Yahoo says that Facebook was one of the worst performing sites for advertising before it began to use the ideas of Yahoo. The lawsuit was filed in a U.S federal court in San Jose, California. Yahoo is demanding unspecified damages and a jury trial. [71] Facebook on 27th March,2012 said that the dispute with Yahoo could have a negative impact on it's business as it moves on with its initial public offering. In its filing, Facebook said “This litigation is still in its early stages. If an unfavorable outcome were to occur in this litigation, the impact could be material to our business, financial condition or results of operations.”[72]

[edit] Facebook's IPO

Facebook took social media by storm after the company filed the preliminary prospectus for its long waited initial public offering, which the company is seeking to raise $5 billion. Inside the document, there are some huge numbers about the company were revealed. The number goes from 845 million active users to 2.7 billion daily likes and comments. After the initial news of the filling broke out, a more extensive look of the document reveals hard evidence of the company’s business, competition, growth and something about what’s in store for the future. In some particular terms, “advertising” and “mobile” show more than 100 times throughout. [73]
The New York Post reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has told Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and other banks that are involved the value of $75 billion to $100 billion IPO in his company, which is use to stop leaking details to the press about the upcoming event. “We often talk about inventions like the printing press and the television- by simple making communication more efficient, they led to a complete transformation of many important parts of society. They have more people a voice. They encouraged progress. They change the way society was organized. They brought us closer together,” said Zuckerberg in the Facebook IPO documents.[74]
In Zuckerberg’s four-page message to potential investors, it provides a glimpse into what a 27-year-old CEO believes are Facebook’s priorities moving forward. To most of the users, Facebook act as a simple space to socialize with friends and raise digital farms. However, the recreational utility is way far from the limits Zuckerberg. He writes that “through the power of sharing content, Facebook has the potential to increase understanding of other by people across the planet.”
Here are some of the quotes from Zuckerberg’s letter of the company’s IPO, which can explain the company’s main values.
“People sharing more- even if just with their close friends or families- creates a more open culture and leads to a better understanding of the lives and perspectives of others.”
“We think a more open and connected world will help create a stronger economy with more authentic business that build better products and services.”
“We don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.”
“We have a saying: ‘Move fast and break things.’ The idea is that if you never break anything, you are probably not moving fast enough.” [75]
After the IPO, Zuckerberg will retain a 22% ownership share in Facebook and will own 57% of the voting shares.[76]

[edit] China Censorship on Facebook

In 2008, the Internet Censorship in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) had blocked people from using the internet and also censored many social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Wikipedia. [77] The issue rose in 2008, around the Olympics time, when there was tension between China and Tibet. [78]When the Olympics ended and the government has calmed down, the government unblocked some social media sites, however a viral video regarding a Buddhist monk being beaten up by a Chinese armed man was found on Youtube and other video sharing sites, the government quickly censors the internet again and also some of the social networks as well. [79]
In 2009, the riots in Urumqi, Xinjiang or called the Tibet of 2009, caused the Chinese government to focus more on the censorship of the internet and social networks. [80]Facebook was one of the many censored social networks that the Chinese government wanted to prevent people to go on, because of the tension from international social and political criticism from people. Even though the Chinese government censored many influential social networks, the Chinese government still allowed some Chinese social network sites, such as Youku, the Chinese version of Youtube or Xiaonei, the Chinese version of Facebook, for users to use. [81] The sites are closely monitored and any controversial about the government would be quickly taken down.
In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg, the Chief executive of Facebook, went to Beijing,China for a vacation where he met with some of China's top technology executives. On the Monday of the week, he met with Robin Li, CEO of Baidu Inc., at the Chinese search company's headquarters. On the Wednesday, he visited the Sina Corp., a leading Chinese Web portal, and also met with CEO, Charles Chao. On the following Tuesday, he met with Wang Jianzhou, chairman of state-owned telecommunications carrier of China Mobile Ltd. His trip was described by a spokeswoman of his company that his trip was basically to learn and study more about the Chinese market. [82]There was no discussion about any business issues; however he had openly announced that he wanted to get into the Chinese market although Facebook was censored for a year already. He stated that he was looking for the "right partnerships that we would need to do in China to succeed on our terms." [83] Mark Zuckerberg takes an hour everyday to learn Chinese and believes that, "It's such an important part of the world. I mean, how can you connect the world if you leave out China's population of more than one billion people.” [84] InFacebook, the social network is made with numerous different languages and has millions of active users, but there are fewer users from China, due to other competitive social networks and the government internet censorship on the site. Although Facebook wanted the Chinese government to give the social network a chance, the social network in China is not as famous and Facebook would encounter more challenges and difficulties when allowing the Chinese government to access the social network. Mark Zuckerberg has once mentioned that, “Facebook is willing to make exceptions to its policy of openness in certain markets, such as in Germany, where Nazi content is prohibited.” [85] With Facebook willing to take any challenges from countries.

Sejarah Facebook

Facebook diluncurkan pertama kali pada tanggal 4 Februari 2004 oleh Mark Zuckerberg sebagai media untuk saling mengenal bagi para mahasiswa Harvard.

Dalam waktu dua minggu setelah diluncurkan, separuh dari semua mahasiswa Harvard telah mendaftar dan memiliki account di Facebook. Tak hanya itu, beberapa kampus lain di sekitar Harvard pun meminta untuk dimasukkan dalam jaringan Facebook. Zuckerberg pun akhirnya meminta bantuan dua temannya untuk membantu mengembangkan Facebook dan memenuhi permintaan kampus-kampus lain untuk bergabung dalam jaringannya. Dalam waktu 4 bulan semenjak diluncurkan, Facebook telah memiliki 30 kampus dalam jaringannya.

Dengan kesuksesannya tersebut, Zuckerberg beserta dua orang temannya memutuskan untuk pindah ke Palo Alto dan menyewa apartemen di sana.

Setelah beberapa minggu di Palo Alto. Zuckerberg berhasil bertemu dengan Sean Parker (cofounder Napster), dan dari hasil pertemuan tersebut Parker pun setuju pindah ke apartemen Facebook untuk bekerja sama mengembangkan Facebook. Tidak lama setelah itu, Parker berhasil mendapatkan Peter Thiel (cofounder Paypal) sebagai investor pertamanya. Thiel menginvestasikan 500 ribu US Dollar untuk pengembangan Facebook.

Jumlah account di Facebook terus melonjak, sehingga pada pertengahan 2004 Friendster mengajukan tawaran kepada Zuckerberg untuk membeli Facebook seharga 10 juta US Dollar, dan Zuckerberg pun menolaknya. Zuckerberg sama sekali tidak menyesal menolak tawaran tersebut sebab tak lama setelah itu Facebook menerima sokongan dana lagi sebesar 12.7 juta US Dollar dari Accel Partners. Dan semenjak itu sokongan dana dari berbagai investor terus mengalir untuk pengembangan Facebook.

Pada September 2005 Facebook tidak lagi membatasi jaringannya hanya untuk mahasiswa., Facebook pun membuka jaringannya untuk para siswa SMU. Beberapa waktu kemudian Facebook juga membuka jaringannya untuk para pekerja kantoran. Dan akhirnya pada September 2006 Facebook membuka pendaftaran untuk siapa saja yang memiliki alamat e-mail.

Selain menolak tawaran dari Friendster seharga 10 juta US Dollar, Zuckerberg juga pernah menolak tawaran dari Viacom yang ingin membeli Facebook seharga 750 juta US Dollar, dan tawaran dari Yahoo yang ingin membeli Facebook seharga 1 milyar US Dollar.

Tidak ada situs jejaring sosial lain yang mampu menandingi daya tarik Facebook terhadap user. Pada tahun 2007, terdapat penambahan 200 ribu account baru perharinya Lebih dari 25 juta user aktif menggunakan Facebook setiap harinya. Rata-rata user menghabiskan waktu sekitar 19 menit perhari untuk melakukan berbagai aktifitas di Facebook.